Pressure washing services in Bend OR are highly effective in cleaning tough stains and dirt. There is no equivalent alternative to pressure washing for removing dirt and grime from the exterior of your home. However, power washing and pressure cleaning should only be used by professionals to clean delicate surfaces such as roofs, windows, window screens and (hard to believe) concrete. The extreme pressures and force of a power washer can cause punctures, ripping and other damage as well as sending you to the emergency room. Power washers in the wrong hands are even strong enough to damage concrete and make it susceptible to catastrophic freeze damage in the winter. Additionally, the cleaning solutions used by a professional power washer can also cause chemical burns and lung damage if not used properly.
You may choose an alternative to power washing services for your home or office. A bucket of warm water and a simple degreaser like Dawn or Simple Green can do wonders. Add in a soft scrub brush on a broom handle and you can clean decks, sidewalks and even your siding.